The men and women of Firehouse 51 try to recuperate after the tragic loss of one of their own. Main article: List of Chicago Fire episodes No. Rahm Emanuel as himself (Mayor of Chicago).LaRoyce Hawkins as Officer Kevin Atwater.Melissa Sagemiller as Detective Jules Wilhite.Corey Sorenson as Firefighter Andy Darden-Truck 81.Nicole Forester as Christie Casey Jordan.Anthony Ferraris as Firefighter Tony Ferraris-Squad 3.Randy Flagler as Firefighter Harold Capp-Squad 3.William Smillie as Firefighter Kevin Hadley-Squad 3.Mo Gallini as Firefighter Jose Vargas-Truck 81/Squad 3.Christian Stolte as Firefighter Randy "Mouch" McHolland-Truck 81.

Joe Minoso as Firefighter/Chauffeur Joe Cruz-Truck 81.Yuri Sardarov as Firefighter Brian "Otis" Zvonecek-Truck 81.Teri Reeves as Doctor Hallie Thomas (Main, episodes 1-7 guest, episodes 20-22).David Eigenberg as Firefighter Christopher Hermann-Truck 81.Eamonn Walker as Battalion Chief Wallace Boden-Battalion 25.Charlie Barnett as Firefighter Candidate Peter Mills-Truck 81.Lauren German as Paramedic Leslie Shay-Ambulance 61.Monica Raymund as Paramedic in Charge Gabriela Dawson-Ambulance 61.Taylor Kinney as Lieutenant Kelly Severide-Squad 3.Jesse Spencer as Lieutenant Matthew Casey-Truck 81.The show follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.Ĭast and characters Regular cast members